Monday, August 31, 2015

Downton Abbey : Almost Time To Say Goodbye

'If I could stop history in its tracks, maybe I would. But I can't, Carson. You nor I can hold back time.'  Thus speaks the stoic Earl of Grantham when he is rumored to have to leave his precious Downton Abbey for good.  Most of the US and a fair percentage of viewers back in the UK are wishing he didn't have to depart and bring one of the world's most popular TV costume dramas to and end.  Life however must go on in a modern world where soon everyone will have a motorized vehicle and all the downstairs staff will want to chuck in their uniforms and get lives of their own.

When Dame Maggie Smith had initially mooted the idea  that this would have to be her last season as the formidable Dowager Countess she adroitly remarked that the year would be 1924 and her character would be approaching her 125th birthday! We are so going to miss her the most.

The cast and crew have been very tight lipped about how its all going to end but there were several heavy hints when the trailer was launched at the Edinburgh Television Festival recently.  Jim Carter who plays the butler Carson, warned that they would need "two hankies" for the series which will begin  in the UK on 20 September, with the final episode reserved for Christmas Day. PBS viewers in the US will have to wait until January to see how season six finally play.

Bianca Del Rio on Being Fierce and Funny

                                                                                                              Photo by Magnus Hastings

Bianca Del Rio is a big time winner.  Back in her home town of New Orleans she won Big Easy Entertainment Awards for Costume Design six times, and then went on to win Gay Entertainer of the year for 3 consecutive years before she left for the bright heady lights of New York where she delighted viewers and judges alike whilst winning the 6th Season of RuPaul’s Drag Race on Logo TV.

The multi-faceted Bianca (aka Roy Haylock) is fabulously funny and totally fierce with her unfettered and ferocious humor that she fires rapidly without ever seeming to stop to take a breath, or let her latest victim recover. Always kitted out in some stunning creation she has designed, and immaculately coiffured, with her big eyes exaggerated by her make-up, Bianca describes herself simply as a ‘clown in a dress’ but she is in fact so much more than that.

All her wins have made her one of the hottest Drag Performers today, and she has appeared on many major television networks, and performed at some of the best nightclubs and parties and is now just about to undertake yet another World Tour with a new Show.  We caught up with her just before she took off, and over a cocktail (or two), shared a moment or two with one of our very favorite new Stars.

QG: How and why did you first make the transition from costume designing to performing?

BDR: It was a gradual evolution and it just kind of happened. I had been doing costume design for a very long time in New Orleans my hometown, and I was actually doing the costumes and make up for a new play.  It had six guys in drag, and they wanted someone else to play a small role that they hadn’t cast yet, and so I agreed to do it.  I had always been an extrovert so the move into the spotlight just kind of worked out, and I very quickly discovered that I really loved it.  

Then up until I did ‘Drag Race’ I continued to combine both, doing costumes by day and drag by night, which became my life for almost 20 years. It worked out well because both careers balanced each other out as you never know if the Broadway Show who have been designing for will finish, or if the Bar in which you've been performing will close.  It was a very nice fusion for a very long time, however since I won the Competition I have been so busy performing that the design part has had to go.

                                                                                                             Photo by Magnus Hastings

QG: Was it a deliberate choice not to lip sync, or sing or dance as Drag performers are expected to do?

BDR: At the beginning I did do all that but then over the years I just became the one who would ‘Host’ everything.  I was the talking one. It wasn't until I moved to N.Y. (post Hurricane Katrina) and someone said 'Oh you're a comedian’ that I had even thought of it in those terms.  I simply didn't crave to dance or lip sync and even though I could put over a ballad, it's just not my favorite thing to do. My performance became all about audience participation and talking to people and that worked out well as they always needed a host, and I just got the job by default.
QG: You were already an established performer with a big following in N.Y. when you auditioned for ‘RuPaul's Drag Race Season 6.’ What motivated you to try out for this?

BDR: Originally I had wanted to quit Drag by the time I was 40, which is this year.  By then I would have been performing for 20 years, which I thought was long enough. However ‘Drag Race’ is HUGE, and I knew quite a few people who had been in the business for some years who had already appeared on it.  Even though they did not win, just the exposure on the Show alone opened doors for them to get their music produced and their own shows mounted, and they all got a real boost to their careers with bigger and better bookings.  And so I thought if this is the result, what would I have to lose, so why not try it?    

It was my very first audition and I didn’t tell a soul I was going to do it, but something clicked and I was picked.  It all happened very fast.  Its a rigorous process getting on to the show and then after that there is all the filming and all the things we were expected to do in between takes, and then even more time just having to wait for it to ‘air.’  It is one big roller coaster, but I kept thinking, even if I do not win I would gain a golden ticket that could lead on to other things, and who knew what else could come out of it? 

                                                          Photo by Magnus Hastings

QG: Asides from winning, is there one particular highlight that remains with you from the program?

BDR: We filmed it a while ago and it happened so quickly. I was unaware of what I did and what I said, and what I didn’t do and what I didn’t say.  None if it came to me until I actually watched the program much later on. What you end up watching is a 14-hour day of filming cut down to just 45 minutes of screen time.  So it was interesting to re-watch it, as up until then it had just been this blur. A good one not a like a drunken blur. (laugh)  I didn’t realize through it all how much it would impact on me until after the fact.

QG: The NY Times called you the ‘Joan Rivers in drag’ and in my book, complements don’t come much higher than that. When you appeared on her TV Show ‘In Her Bed with Joan’ you were fearless and so funny and it looked like Joan had met her match. Tell us about that experience.

BDR: I had never heard about the show prior to being invited to go on it. I got a call from my Manager who said do you want to do this? And I went YES! I don't know what it is, but YES! I flew to LA as the show is shot in her daughter Melissa’s home, and the day we were filming Joan was doing three other episodes back to back. I love Joan immensely but I was very concerned as I didn’t want to seem to be just like a big clingy fan or at the other extreme, appear too disinterested or aloof. So before I went on I was debating with myself about how to act, what to say or should I bitch or not? However the moment I stepped into the room with her she was so welcoming, so gracious and immediately it just seemed like I was talking to an old friend of mine.  

There are few very things that I get that excited about or even anxious, but I ADORED this woman. We were scheduled to shoot just 20 minutes, but we ended up with a glorious hour of us just cackling and laughing together.  In my head I’m thinking this is unbelievable, as this is THE Joan Rivers and she is laughing at something I have said.  It was just truly one of the biggest highlights of my life. It was an experience I will never ever forget. She was so generous, so kind and so lovely.  It's so sad that she is not here with us still.  

QG: It strikes us watching that you were totally fearless appearing with this demi-god of comedy, were you?

BDR: For me it was just going ‘into the zone’.  There is nothing better than going to lunch with a bunch of friends and talking my head off, and so what I was saying to Joan was exactly what I would say to my friends. That's how my brain works and that's essentially how I approach doing my act too. Very few things scare me and in regards to what I do, it is a fearless thing.  You take risks and sometimes it works well, and sometimes it doesn’t! (laugh)

QG: Do you ever self-censor or think you have ever gone to far when you are on stage and being ferocious? Are they any topics off-limits to you?

BDR: There is NOTHING off-limits to me; I just go for whatever I want.  I mean, just consider the source.  Here I am, a man in a wig in a Bar at 1 am, so what the fuck can I say that can be so fucking offensive?  Also everybody has something to say about everything. Its not that people have more of an opinion nowadays, it's just that now we hear more of it because of Social Media.  Thank God I am at the age that I am where it doesn't bother me all. Friends call me and say ‘do you see what they wrote online about what you said’, and I reply ‘ frankly I don’t give a shit.’  I simply cannot care what some faceless person who has never met me has to type about me.  

I do know that you are whatever you put out there.  I also know that I am not going to be everyone's cup of tea, and that's really OK with me.

QG: Despite being fierce on stage, you have a reputation for your loyalty, support and genuine admiration for other performers.

BDR: I think it is really very important.  There have been some pretty amazing people who gave me advice and talked to me and helped me out.  Now I want to be able to give back to others. You simply do not need do any of this alone.

QG: You are known too as someone who has the same persona on and off the stage.

BDR: That is partly true.  However when you put the wig on you can get away with murder.  When I wear the wig they call me funny, but if I don't wear the wig I'm just called a hateful fag!  (roar)

QC: Are their other doors besides Joan River’s that have opened up for you since your win?

BDR: I’m now doing my own show ‘The Roladex of Hate' that I am getting to travel the world with now.  There is talk of me writing a book, which I am excited about.  All of these doors have been there because this one TV Show has opened them and it has changed my life. As I’m now 39 I’m able to sit back and really appreciate it a lot more than I would have before.  I mean people don’t come to discover you in a Bar, and now that I am out there be treated respectfully by so many people that are rooting for me feels almost insane.  The support I get from people, its quite nothing less than dazzling.

QG: Tell me about your upcoming movie.

BDR: We are planning to shoot ‘Hurricane Bianca’ this coming summer which I am very excited about.  In parts of the US you can still be legally fired from your job just for being gay.  I play a schoolteacher from New York who loses his job in a small redneck town in Texas after he has been outed.  In order to get revenge on the people who did him wrong,  I return as Bianca Del Rio a new teacher at school to wreak havoc.  It’s one person’s journey to find himself while pretending to be someone else. It’s a very serious subject, but it’s all done in a very funny and touching way. 

It’s being made by my dear friend Matt Kugelmann who wrote this for me and we have been wanting to do it for some time, but the really great thing is after Drag Race we were able to get funding for the movie to finally start. The only bad thing is that I'll be wearing full drag when we are shooting in the fiercest of summer, but it will be great fun nevertheless.

QG: And what about ‘This Is Drag’ documentary that you made for Out TV in Canada?

BDR: It’s so funny.  I was in Toronto for World Pride with Adore for a week packed full of performances and things that we had to do, and this crew asked if they could tag along and film us.  We said 'sure' thinking we would just be a part of a program, but then when the ‘trailer’ was released we discovered that it was just about us.  So I have no idea what this documentary is going to be about (roaring with laughter) because it was all a blur when we were there as we were working so much. When I texted Adore and asked her 'do you remember doing this?'  she replied 'not at all' .  So I said 'good, I'm not the only one’!  It was a relief. It had been one really long hectic week so I’m interested in seeing this myself. Actually Toronto is also where Adore and I filmed the advert for Starbucks.

QG: Two final questions.  If there was a movie made of your life, who would play Bianca Del Rio?  

BDR: Can't I do it?  Really? (laughs) I guess then we would have to go with Meryl Streep because she is in everything anyway.  She would be the most convincing Bianca, and she is good in wigs!

QG: The second question was ‘do you have enough money to put your dogs through college?’

BDR: (roaring with laughter) On Drag Race I used to say that I had only entered the Competition to raise enough money to put my dogs through college because they are my children. So yes, the world had been very good to me, so I think they can even go to Harvard now.

You have a ‘milestone’ birthday this June when you become 40, how do you plan to celebrate?

I am taking a whole week off for a vacation, and I'm going to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico.  I have travelled all around the world now but I have never ever had a real vacation.  I’m going to pack one tiny little piece of carry-on luggage with not a single wig in sight.  You cannot believe how much shit I usually have to travel with, so I cannot wait.  After that I am back in P.Town this summer at The Art House with my 'Rolodex of Hate' Show which I am so looking forward too.

QG: And what’s the future for Bianca after this?

BDR: I can't quit now, so world domination continue as I’m enjoying it more now than ever. 

QG: One of the things that radiates from you both on and off the stage is how very happy you really are. 

BDR: I’m not curing cancer, its just drag and its really not that serious. You’ve got appreciate life and you’ve got to keep moving, and I love it all.  When anyone doesn’t get that and tells me on any given day that I don’t look happy I than just tell them. ‘You’d be as bitter as I am if you had your dick in your pantyhose too’.

                                                                                    Photo by Magnus Hastings

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Why the Federal Government Raided Rentboy

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Sportsmen Sam Stanley Comes Out

Two weeks after Keegan Hirst became the first British professional Rugby League player to come out publicly as gay,  23 year old Sam Stanley a professional Rugby Union player has come out as gay in an interview in today's 'Sunday Times' in the UK. (queerguru will not even attempt to try and explain the difference  between Rugby Union and Rugby League to avoid upsetting sports purists, so we have attached an explanatory video below,)

Stanley who played for England Sevens at five tournaments and is a member of one of the most famous rugby families in the sport, spoke out that he  hopes that telling the world he is gay will give others the courage to come out too.  In the interview he talked of his  painful journey to get this  point and says he considered suicide because he was scared that telling the world  he was gay would ruin his rugby career. 

Born in Essex to an English mother and a father of Samoan descent and his brother, Michael, is in the Samoa squad for the World Cup. Stanley also added that he had also gone to great pains to cover up his relationship with Laurence, his partner of five years, although he is obviously not that worried about covering up his body according to these naked photos he posted on himself on Instagram.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

James Franco : Gay For Pay

When James Franco's movie 'I Am Michael' finally gets released later this year it will be the 'actor's' 10th movie that he has played 'gay for pay'.  In most instances he plays it very safe indeed but in 'Broken Tower' he actually  gives a very explicit blow job sucking a rather substantial  penis which he claims was merely a dildo, and in 'Interior Leather Bar' he is just four feet away from two naked guys having very real anal sex.  With rumors always flying around about his real sexuality he finally addressed the matter in the March issue of Four Two Nine Magazine when he 'argues' with himself about about what he really is .

Straight James: Let's get substantial: are you f**king gay or what? 

Gay James: Well, I like to think that I'm gay in my art and straight in my life. Although, I'm also gay in my life up to the point of intercourse, and then you could say I'm straight. So I guess it depends on how you define gay. If it means whom you have sex with, I guess I'm straight. In the twenties and thirties, they used to define homosexuality by how you acted and not by whom you slept with. Sailors would f**k guys all the time, but as long as they behaved in masculine ways, they weren't considered gay.

Here then is queerguru's Top Ten Picks of James Franco being 'versatile' .

10). I Am Michael (2015) is in last place as this is the rather irritating story of obnoxious Michael Glatze, a gay activist who denounces homosexuality and becomes a right-wing Christian pastor and turns on everyone in his past. Poorly written and lamely directed by newbie filmmaker Michael Kelly, the movie is often promoted on the promise of a titillating hot sexy threesome including Franco (playing Glatze) which is actually a brief scene shot from a distance with all the men wearing underwear.

9) Interior, Leather Bar  (2013) this hybrid docu-fiction movie that Franco co-directed and starred in with Travis Mathews set out to re-create the missing 40 minutes of deleted and lost sexually explicit footage from William Friedkin's controversial 1980 film 'Cruising'.  Instead it is the story of Franco and Matthews mainly over-intellectualising about putting together their own idea of what was missing, and then filming some disjointed and explicit sex scenes that fall very flat.

8) If Tomorrow Comes (2000) is one of those cheap low budget movies that looks like someone's cousin shot on their home video camera, and is one that even Franco must wish could be erased. He plays a guy named Devin who is apparently gay but also not, and has to shoot a guy he doesn't want to kill. Confused? Then don't watch this hilariously bad trailer as it will only make matters worse.

7) Blind Spot (2002).  Franco plays Danny Alton, a troubled teenager who has fallen in love with the rough-edged street kid, Darcy in this noir-thriller which quickly disappeared without a trace even though Franco himself got good notices in the very few reviews the movie received.

6) The Broken Tower (2011) This is a black-and-white movie that Franco directed, written, produced, edited by and starred in for his Masters thesis for his MFA in filmmaking from New York University. It's the true story of troubled gay American poet Hart Crane who took his own life at the age of 32.  One reviewer summed it up as 'an obscure and difficult to watch movie about an obscure and difficult to read poet.'

5) Wild Horses (2015). In this drama which Robert Duvall directed and also starred in, Franco plays Ben the son of rancher who is thrown out of the family home as a young man when his father discovered he was gay.  At the same time that  Ben scurried off to the city for a new life, Jimmy his boyfriend completely disappeared and now years later, his mother persuades the Rangers to investigate what really happened.   Franco puts in a good performance but the movie was quickly dismissed by critics as being a muddled mess.

4) Sal (2011).  This one slipped into the list even though Franco who wrote and directed this bio-pic about openly bi-sexual Oscar nominated actor Sal Mineo, actually  played the part of Mineo's teacher Milton Katselas (who's sexuality is not disclosed). Mineo who had starred alongside James Dean in 'Rebel Without A Cause'  was brutally murdered on the way home from rehearsing the gay  play 'P.S. The Cat is Dead'.  He was just 41 years old.

3) Howl (2010). Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman's docu-fiction movie about Allen Ginsberg the ougay poet and the obscenity trial over one of his most infamous poems 'Howl' was a big hit at Sundance when it premiered but soon disappeared after playing the Film Festival circuit.  Franco received good notices for playing Ginsberg even though it was noted in more than one of them that he was much better looking than the poet had ever been.

2). Milk (2008) In Gus Van Sant's movie on the life of the slain gay San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Milk that picked up an Oscar for both actor Sean Penn in the title role and Dustin Lance Black for the screenplay, Franco got to play Milk's first and main boyfriend Scott Smith.  Going 'gay' in this mainstream movie earned Franco an Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Actor.

1) James Dean (2001) In first place we have chosen a made-for-TV biopic of the iconic troubled talented actor even though director Mark Rydell deliberately opted not to include a single reference to Dean being gay.  It is there however in the subtext and in a role that the sexually ambiguous Franco seemed born to play, and for which he deservedly won a coveted Golden Globe Award for his pitch-perfect and faultless performance.

P.S. Franco won a coveted LGBT Teddy Award at the Berlin Film Festival in 2009 for his short film 'The Feast of Stephen' that dealt with bullies and homosexuality.  It was based on a poem by Anthony Hecht.

The feast of Stephen: Extrait court métrage de... by GayClic

Miss Sherry Vine Throwin' Up

If you believe that a really good drag act should be (more than a little) offensive  then you'll love Miss Sherry Vine.  This multi-talented singer-actress and the winner of the first ever Glammy Award. HX Drag Queen of the Year has her own You Tube Channel full of her wonderfully bizarre videos  and this is one of our all time favorites.  It co-stars Bob The Drag Queen and is a parody of Jessie J's Burnin' Up called Throwin' Up.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Introducing Darlene Love

Quite why Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Honoree and singing legend Darlene Love would call her new album 'Introducing Darlene Love' is really not clear to us. However who really cares what the title is when it contains all new recordings and features never-before-heard and classic songs from a superstar cast of songwriters eager to showcase one of the most seminal voices in music history. 

Produced and arranged by artist/producer/E Street Band's Stevie Van Zandt, the first track released is Forbidden Nights written by Elvis Costello.

The album is released on 18th September BUT if you cannot wait until  then and want more of Miss Love, then watch 'Twenty Feet from Stardom' the award-winning documentary that charts her life and those of other 'back-up girls'  like her who were always making the headlining singer sound so good.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Never Leave Your Backdoor Unprotected

Stag Condoms is a new condom company that has been set up specifically to serve the LGBTQ community.  They claim that their products address our unique needs and lifestyles that traditional 'heteronormative' condom companies don't.  They may take making their condoms seriously, but when it comes to using them they want us to have as much fun as possible.

You can order them online and even have a regular subscription plan if you need that many! Stag say that you will not only be playing 'safe' but doing good too at the same time as they pledge to donate 5% of their proceeds to their AIDS Walk Fund. 

Their message is very loud and clear and one that queerguru is happy to endorse 'NEVER Leave Your Backdoor Unprotected.'

Monday, August 24, 2015

When Gay Guys Get Rejected

                                                                                             Jimmy Fowlie

L.A actor and comedian Brian Jordan Alvarez's latest Vlog is one of his very best.  He has teamed up with another award-winning vlogger Jimmy Fowlie ('Go-Go Boy Interuppted') to show exactly how gay guys react when they get rejected.  Well, some of us.  Actually, probably a lot of us. 

Searching for the Last Lesbian Bars in America host JD Samson travels across the US searching for the last lesbian bars in this fascinating and insightful investigation to try to discover why almost all of them are shutting up shop.  Her journey starts in the queer mega-capital San Francisco where The Lexington the last of the eight women's bars that the city once had, has finally closed.  In Washington the nations capital, Phase 1 a lesbian bar is still open which is good going in year that saw eight gay bars close down in their city alone. The story is no better elsewhere in the other cities that she visits.

Besides the economic factors like crippling rent hikes and the gentrification of inner cities, Samson also discovers that the inevitable changes that are happening owe a lot to the fact that now that the LGBT community is much more accepted and integrated into society as a whole,  the need for our own safe 'spaces' has rapidly diminished.  Danielle Moodie-Mills a Pop Culture Sociologist compares the situation to that of segregation as she points out that had been bad for black people but good for black business, and the moment it was done away with, the situation immediately reversed. 

She discusses other issues like  the stereotype of lesbians moving in after the first date, the rise of the trans rights movement, and the seemingly unstoppable growth of Internet dating.  Samson concludes that change is exciting but leaves question marks over what exactly that may entail for the future.

Smoking Hot Tom Goss and his new Video

Openly gay singer/songwriter Tom Goss launched the release of his new music video 'Breath and Sound' which features Matt Alber through The Huffington Post last week telling them  it is 'about three couples as they experience each other sexually for the first time. It’s really hot!'  He's so right on that, as we've seen it, and it is smoking hot!

Goss explained 'I want [LGBT people] to feel like I’m telling their story. I want them to be moved. That’s why I’m doing this. There isn’t enough LGBTQ content being produced. Historically, people have been afraid to tell these stories – but I’m not. I will always use my voice to help tell the stories of those who cannot.'

34 year old Goss, who married his husband in 2010, has self-released five studio albums, one live album, two EPs, and multiple non-album singles.  He won Best Gay Musician in DC from The Washington Blade, both in 2011 and 2012.  Last year he landed his first starring role in a feature film, the gay-themed 'Out to Kill'.

Goss is also a WOWPresents Content Creator and we're not sure why he stripped off to talk about his new music, but we are not complaining 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How To Put A Condom On

Just in case you don't know (!) here is an instructional video from Spanish 'adult-film' star Tony Doque on how to put a condom on.

Made by NGO Stop Sida, an association for the promotion of the health of the LGBT community, it contains information to promote their use and prevent breakage. It's in Spanish so if you want ti hear as well as look (!) click on CC to get subtitles.

David Beckham and James Corden's New Underwear LIne

The more we see of James Corden the more we love.  Well, not literally.  The British comedian has taken the US by storm with his no-holds-barred hilarious hosting of TV's The Late Late Show. He has discarded most of the tired and somewhat cliched routines of his predecessors  that used to fill our screens late at night and imbued his shows with his fresh and inspired concept of comedy.

In this sketch with superstar model and ex-footballer David Beckham he even discards a lot more as the two of them make a promo video for their new line of underwear.  One word of warning, just don't go looking for their underpants at Macy's as you'll be disappointed.

Friday, August 21, 2015

True Bromance

This stunning video directed by Bertil Nilsson of the experimental acrobatic company, Barely Methodical Troupe was first released in 2014 and remains a queerguru firm favorite.   It was filmed in the streets of London and is based on a live performance which won the Total Theatre Award at the Edinburgh Festival. Nilsson created Bromance using the body and its movement as his sole method of communicating with his subjects.  He described it as The film explores the intimacy of physical interaction between guys. It’s based on them being friends, exploring the intimacy of physical interaction between guys; of their 'bromance. The concept of the film was to set something unusual in the real world, almost a documentary in the most abstract of senses.'

The dancers featured are Beren D'Amico, Charlie Wheeller and Louis Gift.

50 Years of Fabulous : the history of the Imperial Court of S.F.

Each year the gay community are canvassed for votes by candidates vying to become an Emperor or Empress of The Imperial Court of San Francisco. It is the oldest surviving LGBT charity organization in the United States getting to enter its higher echelons is one of the most sought after and prestigious honors in the City.  For nearly 50 years, the Imperial Council has been outrageously successful in raising money for so many LGBT causes to battle discrimination, HIV/AIDS, and homelessness etc.

Finally a documentary has been made to record for gay history the 50 years of the Imperial Court in action right up to the present time by filmmakers David Lassman and Jethro Patalinghug have captured the Imperial Court’s history in their film '50 Years of Fabulous' and they’re currently seeking support to complete the film’s post-production to ensure it hits our screens next year.

For more information re The Imperial Council

Dismaland : an alternative theme park from Banksy

Banksy the infamous pseudonymous English graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter is making headlines around the world again with his latest and biggest creation to date. He and a whole hosts of artists ranging from Damien Hirst, Jenny Holtzer to Julie Burchill have taken over a dilapidated municipal swimming pool in Weston-super-mare, a traditional British seaside resort 150 miles west of London to create Dismaland 'a festival of art, amusements and entry-level anarchism' according to their website. 

Amongst the bizarre exhibits there is a decaying castle and model boats full of refugees, a Jeffrey Archer Memorial Fire Pit and a massive sandcastle topped by a multi-colored windmill and a prancing horse made from steel poles.  Dismaland website asks 'Are you looking for an alternative to the soulless sugar-coated banality of the average family day out? Or just somewhere a lot cheaper? Then this is the place for you-a chaotic new world where you can escape from mindless escapism.'  It entreats 'bring the whole family to come and enjoy the latest addition to our chronic leisure surplus -a bemusement park'.

Dismaland opens to the public today and will run seven days a week until September 27th.  Admission tickets are £3 each and be purchased at  The website also has the following warning for would-be visitors.   This event contains adult themes, distressing imagery, extended use of strobe lighting, smoke effects and swearing. The following items are strictly prohibited: knives, spraycans, illegal drugs, and lawyers from the Walt Disney corporation”.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sandy Passage : a parody of Grey Gardens

If you live in the US then DO NOT move from you television sets tonight (Thursday 10th August) as it is the premiere of the IFC series Documentary Now! Starring two of the best ex-'Saturday Night Live' alumni Fred Armisen and Bill Hader in 'Sandy Passage' an hilarious parody of the Maysles Brothers 1975 documentary masterpiece 'Grey Gardens'.  The original story followed two reclusive and financially-strapped relatives of Jacqueline Kennedy who were living in a dilapidated Hamptons mansion.

Hader plays Little Vivvy Van Kimpton a debutante turned spinster with a very eccentric style of dressing, and Armisen plays her bed-ridden bickering mother who blew her knee when chasing a squirrel.  The two actors give pitch perfect performances working from a wonderful script from Late Show Host Seth Meyer.

P.S. If that is not enough encouragement then the rumor is that Dame Helen Mirren has a cameo role in it too.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Keegan Hirst Literally Bares All

Just a few days after publicly coming out as 'gay' 27-year-old British professional rugby player Keegan Hirst literally bares all for a Charity Calendar with his teammates from Batley Bulldogs. The 6'4" Captain and father-of-two's announcement on Sunday was met with universal respect and support from not just other sportsmen and celebrities but from overwhelming numbers of the general public too. This latest brave act of his will certainly increase his fan base, and make this 2016 Calendar a must-have-item.
The Calendars are on sale now from

What's Underneath Daddy Dyke Lea DeLaria?

As part of StyleLikeU's 'What's Underneath Project' actor/comedian/singer Lea Delaria literally reveals all when she talks about being a butch dyke. Never ever having been in the closet, she spills the beans that being 'out' and upfront about her sexuality has not always been easy and she was once hospitalized for three days after being gay bashed in San Francisco in the 1980's.

DeLaria, always something of a pioneer and rebel went from appearing on The Arsenio Hall Show as the first openly gay comedian on national TV to eventually becoming the star of the Award winning 'Orange Is The New Black' (with a stint starring on Broadway in between). Still fiercely funny and outspoken this self-proclaimed 'bad-ass daddy dyke' is never one to mince words in her approach to gay activism or her act which often turn out to be the same thing.

In the video she is asked 'Why is in your body a good place to be?, to which she replies 'What's not to love?' We couldn't agree more even though she jokingly tore me to shreds very hilariously when I was once one of the few men in her audience one night in P.Town. We salute this self-described 'proud fat girl,' and long may she inspire us, and have us in stitches at the same time.

More information @

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fosse Meets Folsom

The Folsom Street Fair the world's oldest and best loved fetish and leather event held in San Francisco every year has just released one of the most fabulous and sexy promo videos we have seen for years. It's clearly FOSSE MEETS FOLSOM. Be warned before you click the play button, some of the performers are barely clad.

The Folsom Street Fair is on Sunday, September 27, 2015 from 11am to 6pm and is located n Folsom St. from 8th to 13th Streets. The organizers say that that there will be 200 exhibitor booths showcasing fetish gear and toys which is a pig's dream. There will be massive live stage with top-name indie, electronic and alternative acts, and two huge dance areas spinning underground EDM, public play stations, and an erotic artists' area with a sick and twisted performance stage. 

And, yes, you can still be naked, just use the coat check in to shed all your clothes.

Full information:

P.S. if you want to see how Folsom actually started check out Mike Skiff's illuminating new documentary 'Folsom Forever'

Dylan: a positive trans experience

It really is quite refreshing and still somewhat surprising that so many positive images revolving around the trans community that are just surfacing now have in fact been works in progress for some years. One perfect example of this is a new short movie from writer/director Elizabeth Rohrbaugh that is based on a theater piece that she wrote 10 years ago. She was asked to do an interview for a workshop on documentary theater and chose to do with this with Dylan a childhood friend who has just come out.

After directing her critically acclaimed documentary 'The Perfect Victim,' Rohrbaugh wanted to film a narrative and remembered her tape with Dylan and thought what an excellent story it was, and the real need it had to be told and reach an audience After reaching out to Dylan himself to get his approval, Rohrbaugh set out to cast the film and found an extremely talented transgender actor Becca Blackwell for the part.

The result is a rather wonderful uplifting piece that shows a charismatic Dylan sharing his coming out journey with such remarkable and positive energy that hopefully it imbues real encouragement for others contemplating their own transitioning experience. Dylan's self-assured attitude, boosted by the love and support by her family and friends, was a joy to behold, and a refreshing change from others whose inner struggles, and those with their community, often make such sad tales.

The people at 'Vimeo' made 'Dylan' their 'Pick Of The Week' last month. Take a look, and you will see why.