Friday, August 21, 2015

50 Years of Fabulous : the history of the Imperial Court of S.F.

Each year the gay community are canvassed for votes by candidates vying to become an Emperor or Empress of The Imperial Court of San Francisco. It is the oldest surviving LGBT charity organization in the United States getting to enter its higher echelons is one of the most sought after and prestigious honors in the City.  For nearly 50 years, the Imperial Council has been outrageously successful in raising money for so many LGBT causes to battle discrimination, HIV/AIDS, and homelessness etc.

Finally a documentary has been made to record for gay history the 50 years of the Imperial Court in action right up to the present time by filmmakers David Lassman and Jethro Patalinghug have captured the Imperial Court’s history in their film '50 Years of Fabulous' and they’re currently seeking support to complete the film’s post-production to ensure it hits our screens next year.

For more information re The Imperial Council