Friday, August 14, 2015

Why we LOVE James Corden

The more we see of (fellow Brit) James Corden the unquestionably funniest Late Late Show Host on American TV right now, the more we love him. Watch him here pitch in with his very witty take on why Dalton Maldonado, the star basketball player at Betsy Layne High School in Kentucky omitted from his yearbook because he is gay.

Part of Corden's spiel was 'If you’re a homophobic school, you do not call yourself Betsy Layne High. Betsy Layne sounds like a girl who would love a gay friend. It actually sounds like a term for coming out, as in, ‘Have you heard about Simon? Oh what, what’s happened? He’s gone down Betsy Layne.”

On a lighter note, Corden has a regular slot in his show called 'Carpool Karoake' when he gifts a ride to work to a famous singer and then turns on the car radio which just happens to be playing their music and the two of them sing along. He has had people such as Justin Bieber, Rod Stewart and Mariah Carey in his passenger seat so far, but the very best guest by far was the day his traveling companion was Jennifer Hudson.   The clip of the two is totally wonderful and already clocked up over 8  million views since it was posted onto You Tube.