Thursday, December 17, 2015

From the mouths of drunks and children......

We vowed we would never use the T word once in these pages but we came across two hilarious videos that we wanted to share as what is currently happening in the US Presidential Campaign is so Tragic, we need to laugh with the sheer hope that we may just wake up Tomorrow and realize that it has all been just a bad dream.

Meanwhile here are actual words coming out of the uncontrollable mouth of the Leading Candidate for the Republican Nomination but acted out in this video by your drunk next door neighbor, and they are a perfect fit.

If you have been questioning the IQ of this particular would-be-President, you will know it's hard to guess it exactly.  BUT here is a good clue, in this second video his actual words are read out by an 8 year old boy and suddenly they make much more sense.  Sort of.