Monday, December 14, 2015

Cilla Black No 1 at Christmas?

The Brits are this week re-releasing  the hit single of Cilla Black singing "You're My World" in the fervent hope it will be the Christmas No 1 Song this year which has always a traditional highlight for the music business in the UK.   

Cilla, a discovery of her fellow Liverpudlians The Beatles, recorded this in 1964 and it stayed at the Top of The Charts in the UK for four weeks, and was the first single of hers to be released in the US where it peaked at no 46 in the Billboard Charts.

After her career in pop music faded Cilla went on to become the most successful and highly paid  TV host in the 1980's and 1990's and parlayed her way into being one of the UK's most best-loved national show-business stars, and something of a gay icon too.  She died tragically earlier this year at the age of 71 and the nation went into deep mourning.