Monday, December 28, 2015

The Drag Vegan Queen Needs Help

If you are wanting to start the New Year doing a good deed, then here is one that might just appeal to you.  It certainly did to Rik Ahlberg my Provincetown based Editor & Director who is not only a dedicated vegan but has quite a penchant for Drag Queens too. He is encouraging me (to encourage you) to help Honey LaBronx fulfill her dream of getting her very successful web series back on air.

Four years ago Miss LaBronx started The Vegan Drag Queen Cooking Show which was a big hit from Day 1.  I mean who wouldn't love someone obviously having such great fun combining their love of drag and veganism to make animal rights accessible to a mainstream audience?

Now she needs a few things to transform her new NY apartment into a multimedia studio where she can freely create new podcasts, as well as her new talk show, record her vegan parody songs and create photography projects. To meet the $8000 cost of equipment, which will include a new camera to film my show, audio and lighting equipment, and a new computer Miss LaBronx has set up a Fund Razr Project.   

BUT it ends on 31st December 2015 and is still well short of its target, so that is where you come in.  Click on the link to watch the video and if you like what you see (and what's not to like?) then click on the link to make a donation.... big or small .... and help make a Vegan Queen happy.  And my Director as well .... is that too much to ask?