Friday, December 4, 2015

Santa Skivvies Run

If you still believe in Santa Claus (and why wouldnt you) then what you are about to read maybe shocking news to you. In San Francisco not only is there more than one Santa BUT also he's not an old man with a long white beard in full red drag surrounded by a load of elves.  Actually he, or more rightly they, dress in just their smallest red skivvies, run through the Castro spreading good cheer in the best festive spirit.  The only thing slightly traditional about this group of we shall we put it ....not unattractive men (!) ... is they still don Santa's little red hat.

The Santa Skivvies Run is a festive romp that has been an annual for the past five years, run in conjunction with the Lookout, benefitting San Francisco AIDS Foundation.  Everyone is welcome to participate: naughty or nice, young or old, fresh-faced newbie or long-time Skivvies veteran. Don your gay apparel, or a favorite festive costume, or strip down to your undies to raise awareness and fight HIV/AIDS in our community.

Santa Skivvies Run is on 13th December 2015 and if that is too short notice for you to hop on a plane and participate, then you can still click on the link below and donate to this wonderful cause. After all Santa always knows who has been a good boy, and they are the ones who get to sit on his lap!

                                                 all photos courtesy of San Francisco AIDS Foundation