Thursday, December 17, 2015

Lord Of The Fraud

The main thing about large scale fraud ( apart from the greed) is the sheer audacity,  and no-one has more of that than convicted felon Lord Edward Davenport.  This new short movie by Vice Media tells the true story of his rags to riches story of this high class confidence trickster.  Also known as 'Fast Eddie' he gave the filmmakers unfettered access after his short stint in Prison for a large scale fraud that not only netted him millions of pounds but also he had duped  Sierra Leone out of their London Embassy, said to be worth some £30 million too.  He evidently loves the fact that this film is about him, as he has supplied them archival footage of his early days too.

He started off young in the 1980's by throwing the infamous hedonistic Gatecrashers Balls in London purely for the underage members of the British aristocracy (which despite his claim, he is not a member off) which were essentially drunken sex-orgies for teenagers.  Later on after swindling a few business partners out of their share of the profits, amongst other things he ended up running debauched private sex parties in his London mansion, but this time for adults.

The man oozes more than the traditional amount of British charm and he still steadfastly maintains his total innocence even when confronted with the evidence.  Now freed from a London prison ahead of time because he needed a kidney transplant, it  looks like from his attitude in the film that it will not be too long before he relieves someone or some company or more vast sums of money by fair means or foul.  It's amazing what you can still get away with when you have a Title.

The whole short film is shown below.