Friday, September 18, 2015

Touring P Town with Miss Varla Jean Merman

One of the last interviews we did this summer for Provincetown Community Television was also one of our best.  We knew that it was destined to be so the moment we received an invitation from Miss Varla Jean Merman to tour the town one evening in her glamourus vintage red convertible.  Miss Merman is the nearest thing we have to royalty in P Town, but that didn't stop her dishing the dirt as we motored down Commercial Street.

Hear her take on what life is really like being a star performer : what she really thinks of Elaine Paige and Ryan Landry : about flying to London with exploding cheese canisters: getting a Restraining Order from her famous mother Ethel Merman: paying her dues to her mentor Miss Coco Peru:  plus having a  hot new young boyfriend ....... and why she never ever goes to the Beach ..... where she is off to next, and why she will be back next summer at The Art House for her 18th year in P.Town.

Special thanks to Director/Editor Rik Ahlberg and our driver Andy Wentz.