Saturday, September 26, 2015

Lily-Rose the next star in the Depp Family

                                             Lily-Rose Depp for Chanel

It has just been announced that Lily-Rose Melody Depp, the 16 year old daughter of actress Vanessa Paradis and a certain actor whose name she carries, is about to break into movies herself. After stunning the Fashion World with her modeling debut at the Chanel Runway Show this summer, and surprising the LGBTQ community with her statement in regards to her sexuality or gender identity, stating she falls 'somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum', it's obvious we are going to hear a lot more about this stunningly beautiful young woman.

She has just landed herself a part in Stéphanie Di Giusto's upcoming film 'The Dancer' which chronicles the life of American performer Loie Fuller, played by French singer Soko. Lily-Rose will play Isadora Duncan, the 19th century American who revolutionised modern dance but is equally known for her tragic death aged 50 when she got caught up in one of her voluminous chiffon scarves when motoring in the South of France.