Thursday, September 10, 2015

Marsha P. Johnson : the Queen of Queens : in Stonewall

Seemingly every gay activist has been nosily  jumping on the band to condemn the new fictionalised movie 'Stonewall' based on the evidence of one short trailer and a lot of rumors. Well,  not completely everyone, Larry Kramer the veteran activist and distinguished author of 'The Normal Heart' has responded to the controversy over the new movie in a posting on Face Book and advised the out-gay director Roland  Emmerich not to pay attention to “crazies” who are boycotting the film on the grounds that it whitewashes history.

Now Roadside Attractions the movie's distributors have released a second trailer that introduces the charismatic black transgender activist Marsha P. Johnson, (Otoja Abit) who is introduced in the clip as “the queen of queens” and “the only drag queen who’s nice” to a group of young misfits including streetwise Ray/Ramona (Jonny Beauchamp) and new kid in town Danny (Jeremy Irvine).  The P, by the way, stands for “Pay it no mind.”

queerguru is with Mr Kramer on this one and we cannot wait to see the movie when it is released in US movie theaters later this month and then we will really feel qualified to post our opinion on the movie.