Monday, September 14, 2015

Gay Sir? Me Sir? I'm Done Experimenting.

At a Press Conference at Toronto International Film Festival following the World Premiere of 'Legend' a new movie about the the notorious 1960's British gangsters the Kray Brothers, Graham Coleman from Canada’s Daily Xtra asked the movie's star Tom Hardy if this was a case of life repeating art.  Coleman was trying to question Hardy about his sexuality to see if he was gay like both Kray Twins that he portrays, but the actor was clearly having none of it.

Coleman: In the film your character is very open about his sexuality. But given interviews you’ve done in the past your own sexuality seems a bit more ambiguous. Do you find it hard for celebrities to talk to media about their sexuality?

Hardy: What on earth are you on about?

Coleman: I was referring to an interview given to Attitude magazine a few years ago.

Hardy: But what is your question?

Coleman: I was wondering if you find it difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality.

Hardy: I don’t find it difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality. Are you asking me about my sexuality?

Coleman: Um, sure.

Hardy: Why?

Coleman: Um…

Hardy: Thank you.

 (the questions come at the 28 min mark)

This is the part of the interview from Attitude back in 2010 that got everyone excited thinking that Hardy gave them hope that he may bat for our team too. 

Have you ever had any sexual relations with men?

As a boy? Of course I have. I’m an actor for *beep*’s sake. I’m an artist. I’ve played with everything and everyone. But I’m not into men sexually. I love the form and the physicality but the gay sex bit does nothing for me. In the same way as a wet vagina would turn someone else into a lemon-sucking freak. To me it just doesn’t compute now I’m into my 30s and it doesn’t do it for me and I’m done experimenting.

Legend, a much anticipated movie, has been receiving mixed reviews so far, except for Hardy's performance which is being hailed as one of his very best to date.  It opens in US movie theaters in October 2015.