Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I Won't Let You Blemish the Sanctity of Marriage

Panic not as the bible-clutching matron on the steps of the church who is so-offended at the arrival of a gay couple who are about to get married that she stops them going any further as she shouts out 'How Offensive!'  As the men start to get outraged she explains that the 'blemish' on the sanctity of marriage that she is so offended by can actually be fixed.  Just with the aid of a Tide To Go stick which will bleach out the stain on the groom's shirt whoch is the real reason she is so upset.   If only Kim Davis could be erased without a trace so easily!

This is not the first time that Proctor and Gamble have done a cute gay advert for Tide , check out the one of a couple bickering over doing laundry aired on Canadian TV last year.