Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Can I Have Your Number?

How would you answer if a total stranger walked up to you in a street and just blurted out 'Can I have our number?'   Ed, a rather handsome young man in his late 20's and something of a prankster did just that and asked 100 random men on the streets of London if they would give him their phone number.

The results are quite astonishing and hilarious,  and he did way better when he carried out the same 'social experiment' the other week when he asked 100 women for their phone numbers.  Ed's technique is not to waste time on any chat up lines beforehand and he goes straight for the jugular each time, and the reactions of some of the men are really priceless. 

P.S. Before you scramble around trying to track down Ed's number, I should tell you he's straight!

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