Monday, July 27, 2015


Seattle based artist (and rampant) homophobe Anthony Rebello invited 2400 of his friends to an Event he was holding this Saturday but not a single one bothered turning up. Through his 'Heterosexual Pride' Facebook page Rebello announced a  Parade for straight people only saying 'We all have the right to celebrate the way of life we have chosen for ourselves. In the name of equality & equal rights, I have created this event to celebrate our right to be heterosexual, and to encourage younger heterosexuals that they should be proud of their heterosexuality'

However come 11 am on July 24th on Seattle's Capitol Hill, Rebello was all on his lonesome holding his solitary crude placard.  We are not sure what kind of 'artist' he is, but we hope that the sign was not a fair example of his 'art'. Rebello naturally denied the event had been a failure claiming to Dazed Magazine's photographer that people actually showed up to participate but were frightened of repercussions from Seattle's LGBT community.   

Rebello even failed to beat the dismal showing at the now infamous First Annual Ex-Gay Pride event held in Washington, D.C. two years ago that managed to draw ten participants.  However he's either not the brightest bulb in the box, or he is completely delusional as he has already set the date on his Facebook page for next year's Event.  We really cannot wait.

It is a questionable enough thing to be 'proud' of being straight, we just wonder why he seems so ashamed to admit that is so 'anti-gay'!