Saturday, July 11, 2015

Will You Please Marry Me Billy Brooks?

Yet another reason why it was so crucial that same-sex marriage was  legalised is that as a community we can add a real sense of our own style to this centuries old institution. Right from the very beginning that starts with the Proposal we know how to stun our partners and ensure there are lots of cheers and tears as we prove to be so inventive on the different ways we pop the question.

The latest heartwarming and very public down-on-one-knee occasion was on the stage of Comic Con Fair in San Diego in front of 7000 people.  There was a panel discussion about the cult web series Con Man that had just been taken off the air prematurely. One of the show's makeup artists Barry Bishop was there with the cast, when he suddenly admitted that he has a surprise for his partner Billy Brooks, who had joined him on stage.

“They were asking the cast a minute ago who was the most amazing person in Hollywood you’ve worked with," he said as he held his partner's hand, "and I just want to say Billy Brooks I love you baby with all my heart and soul and will you please marry me?

The whole crowd who had been cheering from the very first word, went wild and joined the cast in giving the couple an ecstatic standing ovation when Billy of course said 'Yes!'