Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Odd Queer Couple

The overly sensitive politically-correct knives in Hollywood have been sharpened yet once again with the announcement of a new movie to be made about a bickering married gay couple who  are to be played .....surprise surprise .... by two white straight actors.  The dramady 'An Ideal Home' is to be written and directed by Brit filmmaker Andrew Fleming ('Threesome') and will star Steve Coogan (who made 'Hamlet 2' with Fleming)  and Paul Rudd.

Coogan is to play a very outgoing celebrity whilst his husband, played by Rudd, prefers a nice quiet home life.  However their life together is suddenly thrown in to disarray when a previously unknown grandson of Coogan's character turns up on their doorstep out of the blue, and after the couple take him in, nothing is ever quite the same.

Coogan has played 'gay' on the big screen before in Don Roos' 'Happy Endings' and Rudd of course played Jennifer Aniston's gay best friend in the cult classic 'The Object Of My Affection'.