Sunday, February 21, 2016

How To Look Swish This Season

Urban Dictionary defines the word 'swish' as English slang meaning 'good' but when it comes to our latest discovery of its use, we would beg to differ. queerguru thinks that Swish Embassy .... our favorite new fashion find.... is actually excellent!

Their very fresh vibrant range of T's and Tops are cute, funny and very suggestive and would be great additions to any hot homo's wardrobe.  You don't have to be gay to wear Swish,  but it does help if you are at least a wee bit fierce.

We caught up with  Swish's main man Dean up in his home town of Toronto and were shocked to find he had started out back in 2009. Initially it was a hobby to keep him out of trouble when he wasn't at his day job in corporate Canada, but then it grew.  Inspired by vacations to places like P. Town (and who wouldn't be?) where he was always a tad disappointed by the fact that whilst there were plenty of T's which left nothing to the (gay) imagination, but they were usually too crude to pass for general urban wear.

With the company's slogan of 'Wear A Conversation Piece', what Dean set out do was produce a range that  is camp, funny and with plenty of references to pop culture but with not-too-crude vernacular, and we think he has succeeded beautifully.  What also attracted queerguru to Swish is the way that it is so accessible for so many sectors of our community ......check out the section called "Bears and Otters and Wolves, oh my!"  And like most really good things that we queers start, straight boys and girls are soon going to be wanting these 'message' t's too.

Last year Dean stepped up the pace of Swish and devoted himself full-time to the business and expanded his product range. Now everything can be ordered online ... most of the T's are $29.95 ....but they will  also soon be available in selected stores worldwide (locations on the website).  

The T shirt below is one of Swish's best sellers, and it has a nice touch of irony combining one of the most overused terms of gay dating sights with the picture of a big fat unicorn