Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Helen Mirren Says 'Don't Be A Pillock'

It takes a Brit ..... mind you not just any Brit in this case but a Dame of the British Empire, to call a spade a spade, or more precisely in this particular case, she calls a drunk driver  a 'pillock'. 

Oscar Winner Dame Helen Mirren spares none of her schoolmarm charm in this rather wonderful #Giveadamn Public Service Announcement that is actually in the form of a TV Advert for Budweiser USA that will be broadcast during the Super Bowl this weekend. She declares that people who still insist on drinking and driving are “a short-sighted, utterly useless oxygen-wasting human form of pollution" ..... amongst other things.   Take a look, and please take heed too otherwise you will have to deal with the wrath of Dame Helen.