Monday, February 1, 2016

Fetish Ballad

Belgian photographer Maglau has immersed himself into the world of fetish which is so alien to many of us and recorded what he saw in a set of stunning photographs that will be published in a book later this Spring. "Fetish Ballad" is the result of Maglau visiting several Fetish Parties in Europe and Japan and with the permission of the participants he just pointed his camera and took these extraordinary un-posed pictures which show the participants totally at ease.

Maglau talked to queerguru about what he discovered. "The more I went into fetish parties, the more I discovered the role of the gay community on the fetish scene!  They really are very active, particularly in Holland, and are very creative in the way that they dress us .... but I don't like to put people in categories!"

Maglau added "What is nice in these parties is the mix. People with different sexual orientations meet up and talk and play. Dressed up in latex, leather or half naked or even completely naked. There is no taboo and no judgement. People are just completely free to do what they want".

You can follow Maglau on Twitter  or contact via Email if you are interested in some prints or in the book.