Friday, January 29, 2016

Mille Brown : Performance Artist

Millie Brown appears to have few boundaries as what she is prepared to do to make her art.  In the past this British-born performance artist has vomited colorful milk onto a canvas (for Lady Gaga at SXSW) and now in this latest piece released in a video last week, she swings naked from a pendulum as paint is bound body.  The act and the art are both completely stunning.

Describing her work the artist said "I wanted to transform myself into a human pendulum: to act as a conductor channelling energy and intention directly through my body; to detach my mind and body from the ground below momentarily and experience new feelings physically and mentally; to push through discomfort and pain and to find light and growth. I wanted to allow the element of control to be eliminated and for the paint to fall and splatter where it wished and for myself to feel raw and human— present in that moment in time and space."