Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Nothing Left Unsaid ; Gloria Vanderbilt & Anderson Cooper

One of the most wonderful premieres here at Sundance was the documentary on socialite and artist the heiress Gloria Vanderbilt and her son CNN's anchor the openly gay Anderson Cooper entitled "Nothing Left Unsaid". The 92 year-old Vanderbilt has the most colorful past and in some very frank and open interviews with her son we learned far more about her than just her famous 'Poor Little Rich Girl' custody battle stories.  So too did Cooper who was visibly shocked to learn about some of his mother's past boyfriends that he never knew about, such as 32 year old Errol Flynn she had dated where she was just a mere 17 years old.

It is a fascinating profile on an extra-ordinary privileged life, and kudos to Cooper for not shrinking away from talking to his mother about extremely sensitive subjects such as his brother jumping off the terrace of her 17th Floor New York Apartment to take his own life.

The pair, both extremely articulate and open with each other, have an undeniable close bond and are quite the devoted couple.  You do however get occasional glimpses of Cooper's sheer disbelief that through his mother he is a part of one of what was once of the leading families in the country,

This HBO documentary directed by Oscar nominee Liz Garbus will be aired in the US  and will be proceeded by a book from the film.