Thursday, November 12, 2015

Russell Elliot : Around

Queer R & B performer Russell Elliot  has just released his stunning new music video  "Around'. 

Elliot identifies as a pansexual feminist and is inspired by his own experiences with falling for a man in college who identified as straight.   He told The Huffington Post "Falling for a straight boy is hard. When he likes you back, but has no accessible way to act upon those feelings without betraying his heteronormative identity, things get messy. I fell for a boy in college who wanted me behind closed doors and wanted the rest of his comfortable straight life on the other side of that door partying with the 'normal' kids. This video is me finally saying what I should have from the jump: you can’t have it both ways."

Co-starring dancer Alonso Guzman and with superb choreography from The Kuperman Brothers, this is a queerquru pick of the week.