Christmas is the campest of all the holidays we celebrate : it is all shopping, tinsel and sparkly baubles and the season of both joy and sheer excess, and should always be a total blast. To help you plan to have a gay old time this December 25th, we have trailed our extensive queerguru Movie Library to give you our pick of the Top Ten Campest Christmas Movies Ever.
À l'intérieur (Inside) If you are big fan of horror flicks, then this is a real sick Christmas one for you. If this not a genre you like then STOP READING NOW. This exceedingly nasty French movie made in 2009 starts with a baby dying in utero in a car crash on Christmas Eve. This becomes one total bloody fest as one very pregnant woman attempts to stop a stranger in her manger from cutting her unborn baby out of her tummy before it’s fully cooked. It’s on this list as it is as camp as hell. Literally. Click Here to Buy.
A Merry Frigging Christmas: This is one of the last movies that the late great Robin Williams made, and although is is not one of his finest performance, the film’s mix of elements of “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” and “Bad Santa” is very amusing This mad-cap comedy also stars Candace Bergen, Oliver Platt, Lauren Graham, and Jeffrey Tambor. Click Here to Buy.
Ernest Saves Christmas. Santa travels to Orlando to pick his successor before his magic runs out. When he arrives, he just happens to meet Ernest, a bumbling taxi driver who is filled with holiday joy. Ernest drops Santa off so he can meet with the next Santa, Joe Carruthers but forgets Santa’s magic bag in the trunk. This very silly comedy is a great way to just laugh that excessive Christmas Day dinner off. Click Here to Buy.
Go. This is a wonderfully funny action flick that follows several separate storylines on one very strange Christmas in Los Angeles and Vegas. For purposes here it’s worth noting that the most Christmassy of the storylines involves insanely hot Timothy Olyphant as a drug dealer in nothing but sweatpants and a Santa hat who holds Katie Holmes hostage. Click Here to Buy.
Gremlins. The star of this movie is the mogwai who is a small, furry, fictitious creature that looks something like a cuddly teddy bear with the ears of a rabbit, a Bambi-like nose, eyes as round and deep and dark as glass buttons, a sweet disposition and a physical nature more unstable than hydrogen gas. When Rand gives one to his son Billy (who fervently does not believe in Santa) as Christmas gift, all hell lets loose in their small town. Silly fun. Click Here to Buy
Meet Me In St Louis. Christmas without Judy Garland would be unthinkable and the best one of her movies we think you should watch over the holiday is this classic film, which is one of her very best. After all. MGM promoted this as ‘Technicolor Romance of Gaiety and Song’. Exactly! Click Here to Buy.
Miracle On 34th Street. The original version made in 1947 (and the ONLY one worth watching) earned this Santa Claus played by Brit Actor Edmund Gwenn, a Best Supporting Actor Oscar (one of 5 Academy Awards the movie picked up) and it still never ever leaves a dry eye in the house.
The Nightmare Before Christmas. In Tim Burton’s delightful animated movie Jack Skellington, king of Halloweentown, discovers Christmas Town, but doesn't quite understand the concept. A wee gem of a film. Click Here to Buy
The Silent Partner. This camp almost forgotten Canadian gem from 1978 stars Christopher Plummer as a very hammy psychopath Santa Claus whose attempt to rob a Bank is foiled when the timid Teller (a very young Elliot Gould) beats him too it. Also stars an almost unrecognizable John Candy and Suzannah York. Click Here to Buy.
White Christmas. This list would not be complete with one of the all-time camp Christmas movies that in 1954 Paramount claimed was ‘the most fabulous music and mirth show in motion picture history’. Starring Bing Crosby & Danny Kaye but our favorite track is Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen singing the original version of "Sisters". Click Here to Buy.