Tuesday, March 1, 2016

'The Producers' Bialystock & Bloom are Back

Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick brought back Bialystock and Bloom the other night on the Jimmy Kimmel Live TV Show to do a wonderful parody of the Tony Award winning Broadway Show (and movie) The Producers.  If you will recall the plot its about a pair of con-men Producers who hit on the idea that they could make more money from producing a really bad Show than they could for a big hit as no-one ever investigates the finances of a Loss.  The fly in the ointment was that they had to pick a surefire loser and by plumbing the depths of really bad taste they found one so very dire, that the audiences actually loved it and their plan backfired. 

Now they want to do the same and make some real money running a Presidential campaign if only they could find the worst candidate in history 'a schmuk, a putz, a real grade A world class grade A nicampoop .... but where would be ever find a buffoon like that?" asks Bialystock.

In real life there is nothing remotely funny at all about Donald Trump who queerquru usually totally avoids even mentioning, but seeing Messrs Bialystock & Bloom jump into the fray does make you laugh (a lot) and reinforces the fact of how the man and his ambitions are so incredible ludicrous, but also sadly extremely dangerous.