Wednesday, March 2, 2016

KFC Top Management are Not Chicken

queerguru never thought we would say this, but we love KFC!   Well, not the food ...... don't lets get too rash here .... but we have nothing but unfettered admiration for the great big set of  balls that their top Management showed that they had yesterday.

Georgia Carter, 27, from Virginia had gone for a job interview last week at her local branch of the chain chicken restaurant and was offered shift work. She was told she had the job, and so gave the manager her driver’s license to draw up the paperwork.  Carter was so elated and told her boyfriend how happy she was to be an ‘active member of society’ again when she received a call from the KFC manager.

Carter says the manager told her ‘My supervisor and I have a problem because on your license it says “male”.’ When she  explained it was because she was transgender, they said: ‘Oh, we can’t hire you because we don’t know which bathroom you can use.’

Now normally this would have been the end of the story but fortunately the franchise who owned this particular store heard all about it, and immediately launched an investigation. A senior executive  then contacted Ms. Carter and offered her employment at this restaurant or any of their Richmond area KFC restaurants, effective immediately. 

Better still they actually fired the offending manager  for violating the franchisee’s anti-discrimination policy, which is inclusive of gender identity and sexual orientation.  A KFC spokesperson said: ‘KFC’s policy is to treat everyone fairly, equally and with respect, and we do not tolerate discrimination of any kind.'

We take our hats off to KFC as we head off and go grab a bucketful of chicken wings to celebrate with.